Charles Cushing, DancePhiladelphia

Charles Cushing, A Painter in Buenos AiresDancePhiladelphiaCupola, Buenos Aires, ink on paper 12×9″ matted and framed $150.00. One of the prettier ‘domes’ on Avenieda Nueve de Julio. Drawn from life, November 2013. On display at his current exhibition at DancePhiladelphia Argentine Tango Studio.

Charles Cushing, A Painter in Buenos Aires, Drawings and Paintings at DancePhiladelphia Argentine Tango

The Milonga held every Friday at DancePhiladelphia Argentine Tango Studio draws a crowd of dedicated dancers to the dimly lit wooden dance floor on Buttonwood Street. During the dance party there is a delightful etiquette of social interaction which creates an infectious joyfulness. Tango songs are usually short and as the night goes on all the dancers get to dance with each other, there are no wallflowers. Beautiful ladies in dance heels just take a seat and soon a gentleman will ask her to dance. The Milonga lasts late into the night.

While Charles Cushing lived in Buenos Aires last fall for two months he went to Milonga every night for 24 nights straight. Some nights he saw the sunrise as he exited the dance halls across the city. The architectural landscape drawings describe an opulence from a time gone by. The paintings exude the light and tonality of South America with brilliant color and marks. Charles asked me to videotape the opening night reception for his one-person art show, A Painter in Buenos Aires, at the Friday Night Milonga at DancePhiladelphia Argentine Tango. The video is an artist’s portfolio of an exotic trip and the dance party, Milonga, that inspired Charles to travel to Argentina in the first place.

Charles Cushing, A Painter in Buenos Aires, Drawings and Paintings at DancePhiladelphia Argentine Tango. High definition video by DoN Brewer, shot on location at DancePhiladelphia Friday Night Milonga. Click the full screen mode button on the YouTube control panel for high def video.

 “Thanks to everyone who attended my exhibition at DancePhiladelphiaArgentine Tango Milonga last night, and especially to those who supported me by purchasing my artwork!  The painting below is of ‘Agua Corrientes‘ the wonderful baroque structure that actually houses the water reserve in Buenos Aires! It is mentioned by Borges in one of his stories to evoke nightmares of infinity…painted from life November 2013. – Charles Cushing

Charles Cushing, DancePhiladelphia

Charles CushingA Painter in Buenos Aires, Drawings and Paintings at DancePhiladelphia Argentine Tango. Agua Corrientes Palace, Buenos Aires, oil on canvas, 25″  x  21″.

“Agua Corrientes Palace, Buenos Aires” oil on canvas 25 X 21″. Painted from life in Buenos Aires, November 2013. This is the famous structure that holds the water reserve, it is in the thick of the city. French revival design reminiscent of Philadelphia’s City Hall sans the tower, but colorfully decorated in millions of colored tiles, with porcelain cartouches of the seal of the city of Buenos Aires, decorative gardens, etc…vast, nightmarish baroque with an infinity of detail that evokes the feverish infatuations of Borges, Kafka, and Piranesi. A painter’s dream…or HELL. This canvas depicts just a portion of the building with glorious jacaranda trees and storm-swept clouds.” – Charles Cushing

Charles Cushing, DancePhiladelphia

Charles CushingA Painter in Buenos Aires, Drawings and Paintings at DancePhiladelphia Argentine Tango, Passing Storm, Torre Monumental, Buenos Aires, oil on canvas, 24″ x 21″

Passing Storm, Torre Monumental, Buenos Aires” oil on canvas 24 x 21.” This tower is usually known by its former name, “Torre Ingles.” Ironically, It is across from the monument to Argentine victims of the “War of the Malvinas (Falklands)”. There is some bitter history here that has complicated the otherwise historically cordial relationship between the two countries. Painted from life, Nov. 2013.” – Charles Cushing

DancePhiladelphia Argentine Tango, 1315 Buttonwood Street, Philadelphia. Click here for more information about DancePhiladelphia.Charles CushingA Painter in Buenos Aires, Drawings and Paintings is on display through Memorial Day weekend.

Watch A Evaristo Corriego, Edilia Gonzalez at DancePhiladelphia Argentine Tango, a video by DoN Brewer.

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Written and photographed by DoN Brewer except where noted.

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