Affiliate Marketing Disclosure Statement
DoNArTNeWs uses affiliate marketing links and ads to products DoN endorses through Advertisments, marketing links and product reviews may have hyperlinks embedded in the text, these links may lead you to a website offering the product or services DoNArTNeWs is reviewing. Some links may install a cookie on your computer which is active for 90 days. If you buy a product as a result of clicking through a link to a seller, micro payments or commissions will be rendered.
Most hyperlinks are informative, providing links to additional information resources about the Philadelphia art scene. DoN Brewer is not paid to endorse any products and only provides links to products DoN Brewer uses, has used or has seen demonstrated by reliable sources. DoN Brewer is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
The ads and widgets in the DoNArTNeWs sidebar link to products and services affiliated with reputable companies, these ads are not as effective as text hyperlinks embedded within the blog posts. DoN Brewer makes every effort to make these type of links obvious to his readers. DoN Brewer is using affiliate marketing to monetize DoNArTNeWs Philadelphia Art News Blog in order to cover expenses incurred to produce blog posts including web hosting, photography, travel, etc.
Federal Trade Commission, Bureau of Consumer Protection Business Center
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