Little Rock Nine, Charly Palmer, Vivant Art Collection,
The Little Rock Nine were a group of African American students enrolled in Little Rock Central High School in 1957. The ensuing Little Rock Crisis, in which the students were initially prevented from entering the racially segregated school by ArkansasGovernorOrval Faubus, and then attended after the intervention of PresidentEisenhower. – Wikipedia
The giclee´print by Charly Palmer commemorates the fiftieth anniversary of historic actions taken to offer equal rights to an education for all Americans. The young students are fashionably groomed, the girls clutching their notebooks, smiles of determination on their faces. The three guys wear short sleeved shirts, carrying books under their slim arms. The artist sees each of the Little Rock Nine as individuals within the larger group highlighting the fact that all people are created equal.
The owner of Vivant Art Collection, Florcy Morisset, was recently in Washington DC to lobby on behalf of the arts, tirelessly promoting Philadelphia as an important center of art and culture but the need to promote art in general because it helps people. Much of the art at Vivant comes from exotic countries from around the world. But Little Rock Nine‘s creator, Charly Palmer is an American focussing attention on American problems. Education inequality is still a major problem in the U.S. six years after the fifty year anniversary of the Little Rock Crisis.
Vivant Art Collection always offers something unusual, informative, thought-provoking, relevant and beautiful. Art is a great communication tool as well as entertainment, Vivant Art Collection proves that every month with new art perspectives.
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Written and photographed by DoN Brewer except where noted.
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