Gerhard Richter, Piz Lagrev, 1995, oil on canvas. Promised gift of Keith L. and Katherine Sachs.
Embracing the Contemporary, Sachs Collection at Philadelphia Museum of Art
DoN confessed his love of Gerhard Richter to Katherine Sachs, sharing how being a Richter apologist for some folks can be difficult. I asked her, as a collector, if she gets that kind of push back from friends?
“Not with Richter, not as much, I mean there are a lot of other artists you get push back.”
Like Cy Twombly?
“That’s a good one.” We both cracked up laughing. “Sometimes it takes a learned response. But Richter’s are unbelievably wonderful; if you know about the process and the way he makes it, it makes sense. And if you also understand where it all comes from, people realize that it’s actually based in reality. Then they have a better understanding. It’s kind of an abstract photographic take on reality.”
I think that a lot of people don’t realize that these are all pre-computer. It’s not photoshopped.
“Yes. It’s a combination of the way the artist sees the subject and that, sometimes, it’s what he does with it. Whatever medium it is that he uses.”
It’s all about the medium.
Embracing the Contemporary: The Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Collection at Philadelphia Museum of Art
Through September 5, 2016, Dorrance Galleries and The Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Galleries, Philadelphia Museum of Art
“Embracing the Contemporary celebrates the remarkable collection of Keith L. and Katherine Sachs and their transformative gift of nearly one hundred works to the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 2013. The Sachs Collection is one of the finest private collections of contemporary art in the United States and is presented publicly here for the first time.” – Philadelphia Museum of Art
Facebook: philamuseum; Twitter: @philamuseum; Tumblr: philamuseum; YouTube: PhilaArtMuseum; Instagram: @philamuseum
Written by DoN Brewer. (except where noted)
Read the Embracing the Contemporary press release at DoNArTNeWs
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