Interiors – Spaces indoors and inside the mind

by admin on December 6, 2012

in Art Blogs, Art Galleries, Art Installations, Art News, Art Shows, Drawing, Painting, Photography, Prints, Sculpture, Sound Design, Video

Jamie Moon, Where are You Standing?, Interiors, The Plastic Club Art Gallery

Jamie Moon, Where are You Standing?, Interiors – Spaces indoors and inside the mind, The Plastic Club Art Gallery

 Interiors – Spaces indoors and inside the mind

The Plastic Club on the Avenue of the Artists, Camac Street, has the knack of creating themed art events that are inclusive of all media yet broad enough to allow extraordinary creativity. The current exhibit, Interiors – Spaces indoors and inside the mind, is one of those shows that permits artists to explore their medium whether realist, abstract, surreal or oblique and everyone gets it right. The exhibit is expansive and deep with paintings, drawings, photographs, prints, sculpture and even a video all exploring the artist’s interpretation of the concept of interiors.

Jamie Moon took First Prize for her dark and mysterious painting, Where Are You Standing? 

Interiors - Spaces indoors and inside the mind at The Plastic Club Art Gallery

Interiors – Spaces indoors and inside the mind at The Plastic Club Art Gallery

Alice K. Chung, Tea Time, mixed media, Interiors - Spaces indoors and inside the mind

Alice K. Chung, Tea Time, mixed media, Interiors – Spaces indoors and inside the mind at The Plastic Club

Alice K. Chung‘s Tea Time at first appears to be a color field abstract painting then does that magic trick of switching over to a still life. Using mixed media the artist mashes the concepts of what’s happening indoors and in the mind simultaneously resulting in a luscious artwork resonating with beauty and style.

Alan Klawans, Salamanco Frog, original digital print at The Plastic Club

Alan Klawans, Salamanco Frog, original digital print at The Plastic Club

The number one spot in The Plastic Club Gallery often is an award winning spot, not because it’s the first spot in the room but the volunteers who hang the show place work where they think it looks best. The juror picks the winners but #1 is lucky. Alan Klawans, Salamanco Frog, original digital print, won an honorable mention award – Klawans was The Plastic Club‘s exhibitions chair for many years and was ineligible for awards but now that Susan Stromquist is in charge he’s free to accept prizes for his beautiful work. His dissected frog illustration is masterful but not yucky with the frog guts exposing the interior of a once live being.

Interiors - Spaces indoors and inside the mind at The Plastic Club

Interiors – Spaces indoors and inside the mind at The Plastic Club

Clockwise – Mina Smith-Segal, The Waiting Room, watercolor, Hope Broker, Chair and Window, ink/watercolor, Michael Guinn, In the Studio, oil, Harriet Kline, San Mimiato, Florence, watercolor, Elizabeth H. MacDonald, Idea Forming, monotype, Chick Kelly, Food of Love, oil and Kathryn Russo, Cape May Bedroom, mixed media.

Robert Bohne´, Three Interiors, mixed media at The Plastic Club

Robert Bohne´, Three Interiors, mixed media at The Plastic Club

Robert Bohne´was awarded Third Prize for his mixed media drawing depicting three interiors – the posing model and two representations of other interiors drawings he recreated in this masterpiece. The reflection on the glass draws in the artwork from the gallery further deepening the concept of interiors within interiors. Bohne´is dedicated to his art and works tirelessly to take his art to ever higher levels of accomplishment by looking at master works by others then incorporating technique into his own style.

Jeff Stroud, Bohemian, Photograph, Mervyn Klein, The Pink Room, Photograph

Jeff Stroud, Bohemian, Photograph, Mervyn Klein, The Pink Room, Photograph, Interiors – Spaces indoors and inside the mind at The Plastic Club

Jeff Stroud was awarded Honorable Mention for his lovely small photograph of a messy bed. The photograph carries a strong narrative of sleep and dreaming, tossing and turning and finally awakening to a new day. Yet the composition feels abstract with lumpy shapes paired with strong symmetry drawing the viewer into the life of the artist even though the photograph is technically a still life. Jeff Stroud‘s Redbubble web store has a wonderful selection of art cards, prints and calendars of his beautiful photographs perfect for holiday gifts.

Constance Culpepper, The Orange Chair, oil, Interiors - Spaces indoors and inside the mind

Constance Culpepper, The Orange Chair, oil, Interiors – Spaces indoors and inside the mind at The Plastic Club

Maria Markovich, Fighting Bird, wire, wood, paper, birch bark at The Plastic Club

Maria Markovich, Fighting Bird, wire, wood, paper, birch bark at The Plastic Club

Interiors - Spaces indoors and inside the mind at The Plastic Club

Interiors – Spaces indoors and inside the mind at The Plastic Club

Clockwise from upper left – Lois Schlachter, Inner Chamber, oil, Lori Balistocky, Interrelationships, mixed media, Karl Olsen, Tires of Babel, graphite/charcoal, Bill Brookover, Atmospherics #5, silk screen, and Alice Meyer-Wallace, Interior, oil.

Interiors - Spaces indoors and inside the mind at The Plastic Club

Interiors – Spaces indoors and inside the mind at The Plastic Club

Robert Gorchov, In the Red House, mixed media, Elizabeth Rodriguez, Interior Landscape, pastel/acrylic, Jessica Barber, On the Shelf (Workstation 1320), hand pulled lithograph and Leroy Forney, Contents. 8oz., oil.

R. Cheetham, Richard and Dan Rose, Meat Dance: Work in Progress, digital photograph

R. Cheetham, Richard and Dan Rose, Meat Dance: Work in Progress, digital photograph

R. Cheetham, Richard and Dan RoseMeat Dance: Work in Progress, digital photograph is a wonderful interpretation of the theme and an ingenious play on motion and optical illusion. The photographic image is rippled across the panel and as your eye moves across the picture plane the dance of the butcher and the butchered plays out like a movie.

Janice R. Moore, My Safe Place, ink at The Plastic Club

Janice R. Moore, My Safe Place, ink at The Plastic Club. Interiors – Spaces indoors and inside the mind

Photo by Spike Howard.

Elizabeth H. MacDonald, Women's Work Series: The Artist, woodcut, The Plastic Club

Elizabeth H. MacDonald, Women’s Work Series: The Artist, woodcut, The Plastic Club

Photo by Spike Howard.

Sybille Maria Pfaffenbichler, Fred A-chair and Ginger Ale, mixed media at The Plastic Club

Sybille Maria Pfaffenbichler, Fred A-chair and Ginger Ale, mixed media at The Plastic Club

Photo by Spike Howard

Monoclonal Antibodies, DoN Brewer, video, Interiors – Spaces indoors and inside the mind at The Plastic Club. DoN took a risk and decided to enter a short video, a new category accepted in exhibits at The Plastic Club. Inspired by Robert Bohne‘s drawing of Three Interiors, DoN shot video of the interior of his office/studio, editing short still life images of his surroundings but the movie turns to the interior turmoil he endures when self administering a drug. The music is important because when DoN takes on the weekly challenge loud pop music, in this case the beautiful Azealia BanksLicorice hip hop song, plays a pop counterpoint to his sullen duty and inexorable connection to advanced medicine. Many thought it was about shooting up insulin but this drug treats an auto-immune disease called Crohn’s. The self exposing video paid off with an Honorable Mention award.

Written and photographed by DoN Brewer  except where noted.

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Jeff Stroud December 7, 2012 at 2:21 pm


Beautifully captured “Interiors” of work and the mind of the artist doing his or her craft!

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